In the wake of hostilities in Rann of Kutch, the PAF
Air Headquarters decided to review its war plans, as the threat of a wider
conflagration loomed. Though the PAF and the IAF C-in-Cs had tacitly agreed not to use
their air forces in Kutch – which was a bizarre arrangement worked out over a
phone call between the two pre-Partition squadron mates – the possibility of
air operations in a future war was real.
The PAF C-in-C, Air Marshal Asghar Khan, toyed
with the idea of launching a para-commando assault on some of the forward IAF
airfields, in case war broke out. This desire was conveyed to GHQ in May 1965,
and a series of meetings were held between representatives of the two services.
Gp Capt Mukhtar Dogar, a former
transport pilot posted as Director of Air Intelligence in AHQ, was tasked to
liaise with Col Seyyed Ghaffar Mehdi, Commander Special Service Group (SSG). According
to Col Mehdi, “nothing appreciable was achieved as the demands made by the PAF
were clearly beyond the operational capability of our troops.”[1] A
formal presentation was made to the PAF C-in-C by Col Mehdi (alongside his
GSO-2 Ops, Major Ehsan-ul-Haq Dar) in July at the Para Training School (PTS) in
Peshawar, and the SSG’s point of view was explained. Two important points were
a) A daring operation of this nature
could only succeed if both the strategic and tactical surprise was with the
attacker. The blow against the Indian bases, therefore, had to be struck as a
first ever signal of war, the implication being that if the war had been going
on for some time and enemy air base defences were in a state of alert, the
chances of success of such commando operations using Second World War methods
were remote.
b) An accurate and up-to-date analysis
of the target, its characteristics, size, shape and dimensions of its defences,
and peculiarities of the general environments in which the target existed, had
to be provided to the SSG by PAF/GHQ.
Assuming that these two basic pre-requisites were met,
the operational considerations for SSG’s employment were then spelt out by Col
a) The operations would be mounted in
the early hours of the night.
b) Air missions (para-commandos) would
be dropped on the target.
c) Exfiltration would be either by
landing an aircraft on the captured airfield, or by rendezvous with a
helicopter, in view of the vast distances separating the targets from friendly
The requirements for the operation were largely reasonable
and well thought out, except for the matter of exfiltration of the
para-commandos after the mission. Landing transport aircraft on an airfield
that was expected to be on full alert after the attack was, in the least, a
fanciful idea. As for helicopters,
neither Pak Army, nor the PAF had troop transport versions that could evacuate
a large number of commandos from enemy territory.
By 22 July, Air Marshal Asghar Khan had retired after
completing two four-year terms. The new
C-in-C, Air Vice Marshal Nur Khan (later Air Marshal), who had stayed out of
the PAF for six years while on deputation as Managing Director PIA, had too many
operational matters to catch up on. He, therefore, decided to go along with the
para-commando assault mission as it shaped up. Not known for getting into minutiae, the
C-in-C apparently left it to Gp Capt Dogar and Col Mehdi to sort out the nuts and bolts of the assault. It so happened that Col Mehdi fell out
with the Army C-in-C, General Muhammad Musa, for opposing the utilisation of commandos in insurgency and prolonged guerrilla warfare roles that were central to the impending
Operation ‘Gibraltar’[3]. On 31 August, he was replaced with one of the SSG battalion
commanders, Lt Col Abdul Matin, as the officiating Commander of SSG.
During the meetings between Gp Capt Dogar and Lt Col Matin,
a sticking point was the number of airfields to be attacked, with the Army
pleading a shortage of commandos due to their commitment in Operation
‘Gibraltar’. Four airfields, viz
Adampur, Ambala, Pathankot and Halwara were agreed upon, though a day before
the attack, Ambala was cancelled.[4] Three teams, each of 60 commandos including
three officers, were planned to be air-dropped by three C-130s. Each team was
to have one wireless set so as to be able to keep the C-130s informed of their
progress. Individual commandos were provided with two days’ rations (five meethi rotis each) and Rupees 400 in
Indian currency, in addition to personal weapons, explosives, grenades,
Retrieval of the commandos after the mission was a
tricky and dangerous affair, and a final decision was callously deferred. The
options discussed included landing C-130s on the recently-attacked
airfields to pluck the teams, and also for the teams to wend their way back on
foot across enemy territory, with the farthest target being 60 miles from the
nearest border.
Cobbling Up the Teams
In response to Operation ‘Gibraltar’, the Indians had
captured Haji Pir Pass which provided easy access to Muzaffarabad, capital of
Azad Kashmir. On 1 September, Pakistan’s 12 Division frantically launched a
riposte in Chamb Sector under the label of Operation ‘Grand Slam’. With the lifeline to Srinagar threatened by imminent capture of the vital Akhnur Bridge, the Indian Prime Minister warned
Pakistan in no uncertain terms that India would respond 'at a
time and place of her choosing'. After that stern message, the possibility of an Indian attack
across the international border did not need any guessing. Pakistan armed forces, thus, ordered a
belated general mobilisation, all leave was cancelled, and those already on
leave were recalled.
Those amongst the SSG airfield assault teams who were
on leave rushed back, but it was discovered that as late as 6 September,
there was still a personnel shortfall of 40%. In a last-minute cobbling effort,
men from Group HQ, Unit HQ and rear companies were mustered to complete the required
numbers. The motley teams had not conducted joint training, and some of the
members did not even know each other, or their officers. Many personnel had not done any refresher para
drops during the last one year. One team
leader had not even completed his fifth and final training jump, while four
volunteer staff officers, including one on low medical category (‘B’), were
taken in desperately.[5]

The Adampur team consisted of 55 personnel including three
officers, viz Capt Said Afzal Durrani, Capt Ghulam Ahmed Kabir and Capt
Muhammad Ashraf.
The Halwara team consisted of 63 personnel including
three officers, viz Capt Hasan Iftikhar, Capt Ghulam Ahmed and Capt Syed Hazoor
Now or Never
On 6 September at 0830 hours, the GSO-2 (Coord) at GHQ
informed the officiating SSG Commander, Lt Col Matin that the Indian Army had attacked
across the international border at Wagah, therefore the SSG 'Ibrahim' and 'Kamal'
Companies should be kept ready on short notice. At 1030 hours, another phone
call from GHQ ordered the immediate move of the two companies to Peshawar,
where they were to be briefed in detail by PAF’s Gp Capt Dogar. Almost as an
afterthought, the Officer Commanding of PTS was tasked by GHQ to prepare
necessary equipment for the para drops.
At mid-day, Gp Capt Eric Hall (Station Commander
Chaklala, and senior supervisor of C-130 operations), Gp Capt Dogar and Lt Col Matin started a
briefing session in Peshawar that lasted a full four hours. Gp Capt Dogar announced that the three IAF
airfields of Adampur, Halwara and Pathankot were to be attacked by
para-commandos, with a time-on-target (TOT) of 2300 hours. At this, Lt Col Matin
objected to the very short notice for the complex and difficult mission, and
suggested that the mission be delayed by one day for better preparation. Gp
Capt Dogar answered Matin’s suggestion with a curt ‘now or never’ reply.[6] It
is uncertain whether Gp Capt Dogar had the C-in-C’s consent on this decision.
Both companies, which were still fumbling for important
equipment like wire cutters and explosive detonator switches in Cherat, were
ordered to reach Peshawar by 1600 hours for another briefing by Gp Capt Dogar
and the C-130 aircrews. The briefing started at 1645 hours and the assault
teams were briefed about their targets for the first time. They were told to
destroy aircraft, radars, bomb dumps and air traffic control towers on the designated
airfields. Details of recovery of the assault teams after the mission was
accomplished, were confused and cursory. The teams were told that on receipt of a
‘mission accomplished’ radio signal from the team leaders, the C-130s would
land at the airfields, and the teams would be picked up. Outlandish as the idea was, the team leaders
rejected it, and decided to trudge back on foot.
Each team was issued a set of two ¼” maps (scale: ¼”
to a mile), and a picture of the respective airfield. The maps were surveyed as far back as 1909,
so these obviously did not show the Indo-Pak boundary line, and the terrain
features, irrigation networks and population centres were drastically outdated.
The airfield pictures were also old dating to 1958, and had few worthwhile
details. With just a few hours remaining for boarding the aircraft, the teams
hopelessly tried to make sense of the ‘intelligence info’ just received. The
team leaders needed more time to explain the mission details to their men. At
the PTS, there was mayhem as the riggers tried to complete the checks on 182 main
and 182 emergency sets of parachutes in blacked-out conditions. With mission
preparations far from complete, the TOT was delayed by an hour to 0000 hours.
At 2330 hours, it was learnt that Pathankot had been
attacked earlier in the evening by PAF Sabres, and all air and ground defences
had been alerted.[7]
Lt Col Matin, therefore, suggested that the Pathankot drop should be called
off, but it was not agreed to by Gp Capt Dogar.
Instead, it was summarily decided to carry out the air drops 3-4 miles away
from the targets to avoid enemy AAA. Whether the PAF C-in-C was consulted on
this matter remains moot.

Pathankot Drop
On the morning of 7 September at 0235 hours, 64
commandos designated for Pathankot airfield were dropped from the two side
doors of the C-130 in two ‘sticks’[9] of
32 each, at an altitude of 1,000 feet. On
landing, the team leader, Major K G Butt, discovered that they had been dropped
five miles south-west of the airfield, just next to a major canal which ran
parallel to another one, 500 yards away. Apparently the major waterway was the Upper
Bari Doab Canal, while the minor one was a later distributary not marked on the
old map. The first casualty of the Pathankot assault was the team’s wireless
operator who parachuted straight into a canal, and drowned along with his
equipment. No contact could, thus, be
established with Cherat, and the fate of the group members was known only after
the POWs had been repatriated six months later.
Major Butt was able to regroup 25 of his men, and
started heading east towards the airfield through boggy terrain. Immediately
after crossing a bridge over the first canal, they encountered enemy
troops. Company Havaldar Major Abbas
Ali, along with two of his mates, engaged the enemy so that the rest of the
party could continue its advance. In the
ensuing firefight, Havaldar Major Abbas Ali and Lance Naik Muzaffar Khan were
martyred, while Sepoy Shah Nawaz Khan was seriously wounded. (All three were
awarded Tamgha-e-Jur’at). Butt’s party
was able to cross the second canal, and carefully negotiated the crop fields
which had started to fill up with farmers for the day’s work. The airfield was
now a mere 1,000 yards away.
The enemy troops were in close pursuit, and seeing
that no sanctuary was available for cover at the crack of dawn, Major Butt
decided to throw the enemy off their scent.
Skirting the airfield, the group scattered and headed north-east towards
Kangra Hills. Assaulting the next night after a well-rested day in the safety
of crags and ravines, was considered a more sensible option. While heading towards
the hills not far from Chaki River, Capt Bunyad’s party encountered enemy fire.
A firefight ensued, but when the party found itself out of ammunition and
completely surrounded by enemy troops, it was left with no option but to surrender.
Major Butt’s party was also encircled by enemy troops near Pathankot-Jalandhar
Road, and after a courageous two-hour firefight, it also had to surrender. (Major
Khalid Gulrez Butt was later awarded a Sitara-e-Jur’at.)
Seeing the mission headed nowhere, Capt Azad’s party
decided to abort, and turned west to escape. The party was able to evade the
enemy for four days, but was apprehended while crossing River Ravi just a few
miles from the border. Only a party of fifteen men, led by Naib Subedar
Muhammad Azam, was able to make it back to Pakistan from amongst the Pathankot
group. Of the remaining men, 45 were captured (including six seriously wounded),
and four were martyred.
Adampur Drop
At 0230 hours, 55 commandos designated for Adampur
airfield were dropped by the C-130 in two sticks of 27 and 28, at an altitude
of 1,000 feet. After landing, most of the commandos discovered that they had
landed in the midst of a village, in the vicinity of fields with tall crops. Barking of dogs gave away their presence immediately.
While it took almost two hours to extract and regroup, the team leader Capt
Durrani, managed to put together 49 men, and by 0415 hours they were ready to
The airfield was about two miles away, but shortly
after the group started to move, it was struck by the noise of jet engines,
signalling that aircraft were starting up for the day’s missions. By then it was first light, and soon the
aircraft formations started to get airborne. Everyone ruefully wished that the
para drops had occurred two hours earlier, so they could get on with the assault
before daybreak. Capt Durrani decided to put off the operation for the
following night, and broke up the group into smaller parties to hunker down for
the day.
With an infantry company searching for the commandos,
it was not long before they were completely surrounded by regular troops,
police, armed villagers, and dogs. Fierce
fighting took place and there were many casualties. In view of the enemy
becoming fully alert, it was decided to abort the mission and all survivors
were told to escape in small teams. The three officers (Captains Durrani,
Ashraf and Ghulam Ahmed) were able to evade search parties for the next four
days, living on nothing more than raw corn cobs and sugar cane. After covering a distance of fifty miles their
luck ran out, and they were apprehended just 14 miles short of the border while
crossing River Sutlej. In all, 42 men were
captured (including three seriously wounded), 12 were martyred, and only one
managed to escape.
Halwara Drop
The drop of 63 commandos at Halwara was done in a
single stick, due to the non-availability of a second jumpmaster on board the
C-130. Just as at Adampur, the commandos landed in the midst of houses and fields
with tall crops. Assembling the group was a problem, as no one was able to spot
the signalman’s torchlight due to various high obstructions in the line of
sight. Search parties of regular troops,
and police in armoured cars and jeeps were all over the place; at dawn, light
aircraft also joined in the search from the air. Most of commandos could not
make it to the airfield, and got scattered while trying to evade the enemy. A
few small parties were able to ambush the enemy’s troops from Punjab Armed Police,
and muleteers from the animal transport company in Ludhiana, that had been
hastily mustered. One commando party managed to blow up a bridge. Subedar Allah Ditta managed to lead his team almost to the boundary of the airfield, but was surrounded by the enemy and a tough firefight ensued before the group ran out of ammunition; he was later awarded the Sitara-e-Jur'at for his brave leadership. In another encounter, Lance Naik Mukhtar Ahmed fought till the end when surrounded by one of the hunting parties. He was posthumously awarded the Tamgha-e-Jur'at.
Capt Hazoor Hasnain was able to regroup a team of six
men, and headed for the airfield from where jet noise could be heard. Reaching the fourteen feet high airfield perimeter
fence, they discovered to their dismay that
the tightly woven wires could not be cut, as none of them had been
issued with wire-cutters. After a while, a PAF bomber flew overhead and
discharged its bomb load on the runway. (It later transpired that this B-57 was flown by Flt Lt Yusuf H Alvi.) The enemy AAA opened up and the sky was
lit all around. The air base was now fully alert, and it was daybreak. Hasnain decided to call off the mission, and
the party of six prepared to escape.
Not long after they set course, Capt Hasnain’s party was
surrounded by scores of highly charged villagers, but the audacious commandos managed
to defy them. Later, on several occasions they were spotted
by search parties, but incredibly, they were able to give them the slip each
time. After covering a circuitous route of 50 miles on foot – travelling at
night and resting in the fields during day – they came upon an Army jeep which
they were able to commandeer, and drove the remaining 50 miles to the Pakistani
border, south of Kanganpur. Soon after
they arrived at the Indian border check-post of Fattuwala for an ID check,
their cover of ‘Indian commandos going on a mission to Pakistan’ was blown, but
they were able to scamper away. The next
thing they heard was a loud blast and saw their jeep rocketed to bits by the irate
check-post guards, who thought it was still occupied. Once on the Pakistani side, they were accosted
by a Pathan soldier at the check-post, “Olaka,
tau sokay?” (Hey there, who are you?) Capt Hasnain declared that they were
‘Pakistani commandos coming back from a mission in India’. The guard commander,
instantly ordered his men to hold fire, and welcomed the weary troops to their
motherland. Capt Hasnain was later awarded a Sitara-e-Jur’at. Besides Hasnain’s party of six which escaped,
53 men were captured (including four seriously injured), and four were
Ambala Drop That Never Was
On 16 September, in the midst of a fierce war, HQ SSG
received a flash message from GHQ ordering 'Ghazi' Company to undertake a para-commando
assault against Ambala airfield, the same night. It was a baffling order, not
only because the company had returned after operations in Kashmir just two days
ago, but none of them had been trained for assault on an enemy airfield. Besides,
the commandos had no experience of night jumps and had only done their basic
para course; they were also in need of a refresher.
Pursuant to the GHQ order, Lt Col Ayub Afridi (Officer
Commanding, 2 Commando Battalion), Major Naeem Shaikh (Company Commander, 'Ghazi'
Company) and Major Ehsan-ul-Haq Dar
(GSO-2 Ops), reached the Para Training School at 1100 hours for a coordination
meeting with the PAF representative. Gp
Capt Mukhtar Dogar arrived at 1500 hours, and straightaway went in for the
briefing. He started by lauding the
successful assault on the Indian airfields, “which had been completely
destroyed by the SSG officers and men.”[10] A surprised Major Naeem questioned Gp Capt
Dogar if the PAF had the means to differentiate between damage caused by aerial
bombing and ground action. When Gp Capt Dogar was unable to give a satisfactory
reply, he was informed that for the last nine days, not even a beep had been
heard from any of the wireless sets that the commando teams carried with them.
BBC and All India Radio had reported that most of the commandos had been captured,
and were POWs. In short, the mission that Gp Capt Dogar was lauding had actually
been a complete disaster.
Moving to the upcoming Ambala assault, Gp Capt Dogar
showed his audience an old photograph of Ambala airfield. Major Naeem objected
to the obsolete photograph and demanded latest ones, with aircraft shelters and
airfield defences properly marked. He also demanded photographs of at least two
nearby drop zones. He then reminded Gp Capt Dogar that his men had not done a
refresher para course, and also needed to carry out night jumps and learn group
assembly techniques in darkness. These, Naeem insisted, were the minimum
requirements to undertake the assault.
Irritated, Gp Capt Dogar remarked if that was the
case, the task would require three months to complete. An equally exasperated
Naeem replied that the task should then be postponed for three months. “Are you
telling me that the mission cannot be launched tonight?” Gp Capt Dogar questioned
Naeem.[11] Naeem caustically replied that if the
commandos were ordered to sit in the aircraft and launch, it would be done, but
the mission success could not be guaranteed. With this, the briefing was called off and while
departing, Gp Capt Dogar said that he would check with GHQ if the mission was on
for the night.
The same evening, 'Ghazi' Company learnt that in view of
Major Naeem’s reservations, the Pak Army C-in-C had agreed to call off the
mission, much to the consternation of the PAF high command. It was no less embarrassing for the GHQ to
have acceded to PAF’s request to start with, when the failure of the earlier
missions was well known.
Some Professional Perspectives on the Operation
Brig Zahir
Alam Khan, a former SSG battalion commander states in his book,
The Way it Was, “The Headquarters SSG
had carried out no preliminary planning for these operations, no intelligence
had been gathered, no maps and air photos had been collected, and no troops had
been earmarked and trained. Lt Col Matin, Punjab Regiment, who had not served
in the SSG but had been selected as a SSG battalion commander by Col S G Mehdi,
was the officiating commander of the SSG on 6 September. The orders came
without any warning, and caught the SSG without any plans and troops earmarked
for the operation. The officiating SSG commander, and the GSO-2 (Operations),
Major Dar, Punjab Regiment, later Major General, who had also not served with
the SSG but was made responsible for operational planning and supervision of
the launching of operations.” In a scathing final comment, Brig Zahir Alam goes
on to say, “The whole operation was a disaster due to bad planning, bad
launching of operation, and above all, the lack of moral courage to refuse a
badly organised operation.” [12]
Brig Shamim
Yasin Manto, was a former GSO-2 (Ops) at SSG HQ, and
President of the Court of Inquiry constituted for debriefing the repatriated
para-commando POWs. He was of the opinion that GHQ must equally share the blame
for the fiasco, alongside the SSG officers, viz Col Mehdi, Lt Col Matin and
Major Dar. He also believed that despite a four-month prior notification, the
mission details were provided only a few hours before the actual launch, hence
the preparations were shoddy. Secrecy
had been stretched to such an extent that instead of surprising the enemy, own
troops stood stunned. As for Col Mehdi’s role, Brig Manto thought that he
failed to properly liaise and coordinate with AHQ regarding the mission. Another observation of Brig Manto was that
there was no oversight of the preparations and training of personnel by a
higher authority (in case of the SSG, it was the Chief of General Staff); this
was unlike other subordinate formations which were under constant scrutiny of
Corps and Divisional Commanders. Brig Manto addressed another significant
operational aspect that was found wanting. This was the need for ‘pathfinders’
who should have been para-dropped or infiltrated a night or two prior, to radio
back suitable drop zones near the three airfields, and away from population
centres. Finally, he felt that if there
had been a bold SSG Commander, he would have refused to undertake a mission
that was practically ordered at a twelve-hour notice, with no preparation and with
perfunctory target details.[13]
The late Air
Cdre M Zafar Masud, former Station Commander Sargodha, and the 'ghost' author of The Story of the Pakistan Air Force – A Saga
of Courage and Honour, summed up the operation as follows: “Thus ended an
operation which on the face of it was an unmitigated disaster. Certainly the cost in lives of the heroic
para-commandos, who embarked on their perilous mission with a memorably
cheerful calm was difficult to justify.”[14]
Air Cdre
Sajad Haider, mission leader of the famous Pathankot attack
by Sabres, writes in his book, Flight of
the Falcon, “The plan was somewhat utopian and proved to be a tragic
failure, essentially because the premise and pre-requisites set forth for the
mission’s success were totally missing.” Forthright as he is, Air Cdre Haider
goes on to write: “There was clear reason to call it off. This was a horrific
blunder by the PAF high command.”[15]
The late Maj
Gen Faisal Alvi, a former GOC SSG, was more charitable towards his outfit
regarding the failed para drop operation. “The airfield drop was PAF’s plan and
the Army simply went along with it. It should be remembered that at that time
the SSG was a nascent and inexperienced organisation. In such circumstances, it was not unusual for
strong motivation and intense enthusiasm to have taken the better of good
The late British military writer John Fricker, author of Battle
for Pakistan – The Air War of 1965 writes, “It is difficult, in fact, to
avoid the conclusion that the air assault raids were nothing less than suicide
missions, but in the mood then prevailing in Pakistan, most fighting men
considered their own lives of secondary importance to the need for national
survival.” Fricker does not mince his words when he says that the operation was
an unmitigated disaster. It was, “ill-conceived, ill-planned, badly executed
and based on faulty intelligence.”[17]
The para-commando assault on airfields was, in all likelihood,
originally conceived as a contingency operation. It was to be carried out in case the small PAF
was constrained from attacking IAF airfields with combat aircraft, due to
limited air effort at the outset of war. Apparently, as discussions between
representatives of AHQ and GHQ progressed, the commando operation morphed into an
opening gambit of major proportions, to be conducted soon after PAF’s
pre-emptive air strikes. In this latter arrangement, the para-commando assault
made no sense, since PAF’s air strikes promised to be far more effective, could
deliver vastly more firepower, and were less risky in terms of human lives. When the PAF’s air strikes by Sabres did take place on the evening of 6 September,
the element of surprise for the upcoming para assault had been snuffed, and its success was foreclosed
there and then.
The AHQ had also left a number of issues unresolved during
the planning stage. For instance, the
idea of exfiltration of commandos by C-130s landing on the just assaulted
airfields defied common sense, but either the PAF C-in-C remained unaware of
this plan, or had rashly approved it. Similarly
AHQ, which should have known better about air intelligence matters, failed to
inform GHQ about its stock of outdated maps and airfield photographs in
advance, so that the latter could have tapped its own resources, if any. Finally, AHQ should have notified GHQ at an
early stage – at least by 1 September, when Operation ‘Grand Slam’ was launched
and retaliation by India expected – that warning for the impending
para-commando assault was not going to
be more than 24 hours. That would have
kept the SSG commanders on their toes, and would not have caught them by
surprise, as it happened.

Evidently, the matter regarding secrecy of the mission had been taken to ludicrous limits by both service headquarters, and it had harmfully impinged on the preparations for the very dangerous and demanding mission. The only saving grace of the fateful assault was that the fearless commandos, whose lives were at stake, took the orders in a do-or-die spirit that had infused this impossible undertaking on the first day of war.
[Consolidated losses from a total of 182 commandos were: 140 captured (including 13 seriously wounded), 20 martyred and 22 escaped.]
[1] Politics of Surrender and the Conspiracy of Silence; page 25.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Operation ‘Gibraltar’ was aimed at stoking an insurgency in Kashmir with the help of infiltrated irregular forces supported and directed by SSG personnel.
[4] SSG Tareekh ke Ainay Mein claims that initially Chandigarh airfield was also proposed to be attacked, but the PAF cancelled this target at an early stage of discussions; page 125.
[5] Ibid, pages 126, 127.[3] Operation ‘Gibraltar’ was aimed at stoking an insurgency in Kashmir with the help of infiltrated irregular forces supported and directed by SSG personnel.
[4] SSG Tareekh ke Ainay Mein claims that initially Chandigarh airfield was also proposed to be attacked, but the PAF cancelled this target at an early stage of discussions; page 125.
[6] Ibid, page 128.
[7] Halwara had also been attacked by PAF Sabres in the evening, but this was not disclosed for some reason.
[8] SSG Tareekh ke Ainay Mein; page 129.
[9] In para drop parlance, a ‘stick’ is a group of paratroopers dropped over a point on the ground in quick succession.
[10] SSG Tareekh ke Ainay Mein; page 142.
[11] Ibid, page 143.
[12] The Way it Was; pages 163, 164.
[13] Brig Manto’s views abridged from SSG Tareekh ke Ainay Mein, pages 137-141.
[14] The Story of Pakistan Air Force – A Saga of Courage and Honour; page 375.
[15] Flight of the Falcon; pages, 157, 158.
[16] Maj Gen Alvi’s views from SSG Tareekh ke Ainay Mein; page 332.
[17] Battle for Pakistan – The Air War of 1965; pages 107, 108.
1. Fricker, John; Battle for Pakistan –
The Air War of 1965,
Ian Allen Ltd, London, 1979.
2. Haider, S Sajad; Flight of the Falcon, Vanguard Books (Pvt) Ltd, Lahore, 2009.
3. Khan, Lt Col Ghulam Jilani; SSG Tareekh ke Ainay Mein, SSG HQ, 2004.
4. Khan, Brig Z A; The Way it Was, Dynavis (Pvt) Ltd, Karachi, 1998.
5. Mehdi, Seyyed Ghaffar; Politics of
Surrender and the Conspiracy of Silence, Crescent International
Newspapers Inc, Markham, OT, Canada, 2001
6. The Story of Pakistan Air Force – A Saga of
Courage and Honour, Shaheen Foundation, Islamabad, 1998
This article was published in 'Defence Journal' April 2019 issue.